I’m an artist, writer and researcher in digital technologies and web subcultures. In 2016, I co-founded Clusterduck, a stupendous art collective and network platform. With the ducks I created and curated huge transmedia projects, collective exhibitions, interactive installations, adbusting interventions and 🏞 worldwide workshops, such as #MEMEPROPAGANDA, Meme Manifesto and Deep Fried Feels.

I wrote and directed The Future Ahead Will Be Weird AF, where I talk about AI through the synthetic voice of Adam Curtis, and The 1Up Fever, where I accidentally foresee the arrival of Pokémon GO. The diabolic side of me has a videoclips affair with the music collective Pop X, while the s**t-drawing me co-funded a digital 🗺 worldbuilding experiment, the superinternet.world.

I write about art, technology and how to survive it on INC Longform, Domus, Not ┃ Nero, and sparse magazines. I translate books, usually during 🏝 the summer. I work around Europe as Senior Creative Director, Storyteller and R&D consultant, but you will not find my NDA works with very important brands here. The cities where we can meet IRL the most are Milan and Berlin.